Friday, July 20, 2012

Hold me up, hold me high.

Lucky. (-:
Alright, it's the 20.
Fortunately, nothing big happens.
But I'm just avoiding contact with you, controlling myself.
Hahaha, I think my level of jealousy is so high that I get jealous so easily. Joke.
Oh, it was Racial Harmony day.
Didn't wear any ethnic costumes but promise to wear it next year. Yay.
Teaches the cute little sec1s, and farewell for Mr Pu.
Kengkoon kept asking me not to be angry and he was just playing with me. WOW, IT WAS SO FUN. -.-
Uh huh. Those awkward moments.
Then had cake for Mr Pu and Nadiah and Putri put cream on my face. ): washed it thoroughly with water otherwise later got pimples. )':
Heh. Then went home at 5, Mr Pu shook my hands and wished me
"All The Best". Aww, thanks.
Went home and sleep until 6:30.
Bathe at 7, head out at 7:45 for dinner with best friend. Saw Kim. (-:
Heh, then Felicia came down for less than 15 minutes.
Chatted about the old same things, and I was... 差点疯掉 for those conclusions my friends did. Because those people were really ridiculous, and I wished I knew what they were thinking all along.
Leave Mac at around 9, and went to find some kind of book. Hahaha.
Oh, and I found some pictures we took after sports carnival.
Should post it here. (-:
See you.

"My friends aren't like those really pretty girls, but they know the most about me. (-:
At least they are, to me."

Happy 7th. Muack.

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