Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today is 17May2012. And it seems like I'm really blogging every single day. I'm too bored after exams! HAHAHA. DON'T ASK ME TO STUDY PLEASE. Okay, early morning, it rained again. Why rain everyday? ): I once like, but now don't like! 一大清早,没见到你。算了,幸好过后看得到,你就出现在我的面前,我们好有缘。Aww, hehehe. I like the kind of look you gave everytime you turned back, like today. Why you so cute, ohmygoddddddd. 😍😍😍😘 Got back my overall Chinese results and maths paper1. EVER FIRST TIME IN MY SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE I GOT A FOR MY CHINESE! YAY, SO HAPPY! Teacher say I improve a lot, gave me a story book! ERMMMM,OKAY. Because I improve from 58 to 73! Well done. Emaths paper1, 43/50. Good job. SS, 30/50. Okay, so-so. After school, KAYAYKING! Waterways cleanup at kallang! Sat with Shirley on the way there and sat with Felicia in the way back. So tired! But it was fun. Partner with Jane on the sit-on top kayak! She keep complaining me splashing water at her! I splash at everybody that came near us. PEHWOON,TIMOTHY, YISEAN, WENXUAN, JUNWEI...... Then they are like," DON'T SPLASH ME EHH! 我没有EXTRA 底裤!" HAHAHA. Then I found lots of rotten mangoes but Jane don't let me take! It also litter right! ): GUOFENNNN. Got so damn tired and I'm like, LET THE CURRENT BRING US. Hehehe. It ended, I ate the sandwich, Wynn made for me! He so good friend! Got ham, cheese and lettuce inside! Wholemeal bread somemore, HEALTHY! Had my dinner and bathe. A NICE DAY. Rainbow after rain. 雨过天晴。

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